Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Banner of Love

Jesus is the rock of my salvation His banner over me is love...does anyone remember this song?  I remember many a children's church singing that song.  It has a gazillion verses and I didn't appreciate it then, but those words came flooding back into my memory today.  How beautiful and comforting are the words!  "The Lord is mine and I am His"  What a perfect Valentine's song.  You know those candy's that say "Be Mine"...the Lord is mine!  What a thought!

I highly recommend giving it a listen...it is sure to bring a smile to your face! :)

For Valentines I wanted to make some kind of decoration that I could use again.  After searching other blogs I got some ideas and headed to Hobby Lobby.  Love. That. Store.    I found this ribbon at Costco that I love:
Since it is a ginormous roll I have plans to use it at Christmas too.
There it is...our Banner of Love; however, secondary to our First Banner of Love. ;)
My friend made these...aren't they the cutest Valentines?
Tea for Two?

Her shirt says it all!

Valentine #1

 I MUST insert a story regarding the beautiful bouquet of flowers that is on my dining room table (in the picture below).  We had a warm streak of weather this week and the girls were able to go get their bikes out of Gma and Gpa's garage.  Also in their garage is a pile of leftover garage sale goodies that Mel Trotter never got around to picking up....SOOO, Olivia comes bearing this gift for me  and says "here you go mommy, Happy Valentines...Chloe said you wouldn't want them, but they are for you".  Her thoughtfulness was precious.
Valentine #2

The littlest Valentine

My Valentine
Valentine package from Grandma B.


  1. awww, that is soooo sweet about the flowers. Love the banner you made (and the song, such a great one for kids and adults).
    Your girls are getting so big. They are adorable!

  2. Love it Sarah!! I think that's my comment on all your posts, isn't it? :) HA HA Cute pics too!
